Child Registration FAQ's

Who can attend? VBS is for Children entering K-6th grade for the 2024-2025 school year.  Children should be at least 5 years old by September 1, 2024. All children must be registered by a Parent, Legal Guardian, or Authorized Guardian.

How much does it cost? VBS is free. Themed t-shirts can be ordered for $15. DEADLINE: May 22 

When is the registration deadline? Wednesday, May 29th at 11:59pm or sooner as classes fills up. 

When does check-in open? Check-in is from 8:45-9am each day outside, on the east side of the church. A map will be emailed to you the week before VBS. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early on Monday to allow time to authorize your child's information.

Do I need to send my child to VBS with a water bottle and food? *No. One of the five stations each child visits every day at VBS is Snack Station where they will be given a drink and a themed snack like a rice krispie treat, or fruit, crackers & cheese, etc. Children also have access to water fountains throughout the day. (*If your child has a food allergy that we cannot accommodate, please notate the allergy on the registration form and a VBS administrator will contact you).

What if my child is enrolled in Calvary Chapel Christian School's Summer Camp? Please DO NOT register your Summer Camp student for VBS. (It is included in your camp registration.) Instead, just sign a VBS Release Form in the school office. T-shirt order forms are also available there. 

Serve Team Registration FAQ's

How do I register my kids attending VBS? Please register your K-6th grader(s) who are attending VBS BEFORE registering as a volunteer. On the next page choose the "CHILD REGISTRATION" option and fill in all of the requested information. To add more children or to register yourself, click "SAVE REGISTRANT" at the bottom of the page. Then choose the "ADD ANOTHER PERSON" option which will return you to the "REGISTRATION OPTIONS" page to select another child or to register as a volunteer.

How do I find out where I am serving? The registration form asks you to rank your top three areas to serve. Every attempt is made to accommodate your first choice. If you register before the "Meet Your Team" meeting May 19, you should learn your placement at that meeting. Otherwise, depending on the area of service, either a member of the Administration Staff or your Tribe or Station Leader will contact you by phone or email.

Can my preschool-aged children attend? VBS is for children entering Kindergarten-Sixth Grade in the fall. They must also be at least five years old by September 1. (No exceptions please). However, free childcare is available for the preschool-aged children of VBS servants only. Register them on the volunteer portion of the online form.

I am a Teen. Can I serve with my friend? We appreciate our Teen Helpers and want them to have a blast serving at VBS. We have found that pairing teen friends up to serve can sometimes lead to both being distracted. The main point of serving is just that - to serve. The adults you work with need both adult and teen helpers to be focused and committed to listening to and following directions. The comfort and safety of the children in our care demands it. We therefore reserve the right to decide on a case by case basis where teens are placed and with whom.

Can I serve at VBS if I’m a teen under 16 years old? Teens must be at least 16 years old to work in the Nursery. If you are younger than that, you may still be able to serve in some other area. Go ahead and register online but understand that we will decide if and where younger teens serve on a case by case basis.

Can I serve at VBS if I don’t go to Calvary Chapel Merritt Island? Sorry, no. Adults who want to serve at VBS must be in fellowship at CCMI at least three months. Teens must be involved in one of CCMI’s youth groups.

Are there any Serve Team meetings? A "Meet Your Team" meeting is planned for Sunday, May 19th at 10:15am in the 35 North Youth Room. A VBS Prayer Breakfast (8:30am) & Work Day (10am-2pm) are planned for all volunteers on Saturday, June 8. Lunch is also provided.

All servants should read the VBS_Servant_Information.pdf

  • (Children must be entering K-6th grade in the 2024-2025 school year and must be at least 5 years old by September 1, 2024).

  • (Volunteers with kids attending VBS should register their K-6th grader(s), by using the button above, before registering to serve).

To register multiple people please click the "SAVE REGISTRANT" button after filling out the form for Person #1.  Then choose the "ADD ANOTHER PERSON" option which will return you to the "REGISTRATION OPTIONS" page to select another child or to register as a volunteer.

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